Banished cheats add population
Banished cheats add population

banished cheats add population
  1. Banished cheats add population mod#
  2. Banished cheats add population mods#

Banished cheats add population mod#

I would say the fact that we have neither a mod solution nor an official EA solution indicates the problem is incredibly difficult to determine the source of, even by those who are watching what the game is doing at the code level. If the Error 12 problem was easy enough for random simmers on the forums to figure out then EA or modders would have darn well figured it out and we'd have an actual fix that prevents it. I think you are going to remain at square one for a very long time. My processor is 3.4Ghz, and I just had it tested and it's fine. I'm just looking at every plausible explanation for the crashes and Code 12s. I don't have anywhere near that many Sims in town.

Banished cheats add population mods#

Immigration check always tallies 0 points using Nraas's mods to control the town pop, because the townies are breeding faster than what they can move in. I have 352 Sims in my town, 0 empty homes/lots, and nothing bad has happened. It was the only solution I was able to find to be able to play a town that would die within a generation or two. You can even change how the townies look through the mod if you want more varied genetics (or just better-dressed sims) in your town. Sims marry and have babies, children grow up and move out and find mates, they progress in their jobs and school, it can be a game-changer in how you play the game. There are options there to kill off townies, to send their ghosts packing, to stop EA's SP from killing off all the babies and toddlers :evil: (the reason I started using his mods!), and pretty much manage as much of your town as you want to, including controlling homeless sims and immigration. The simplest way to manage your town (that I've found) is to use Twallan's Master Controller and Story Progression. If you want to get them out of your town, age them up to old age (or kill them another way) with cheats, then you need to build a relationship with their ghosts and have them move on to spirit world and that should take them out of the game in any playable way, either by your or the computer. As well, never delete ghost urns/tombstones (so don't bulldoze houses with urns in them either!). They are pretty much programmed into the town and when you delete them, it creates a lot of errors in your game that can mess up your save. I have learned that you should never delete the sims that come with the town. In my experience, it doesn't take all that much. Now I'm just trying to find answers, and I'm going thru every possibility. I've made it a New Years Sim Resolution not to start anymore Error 12/Crashing threads. It's just another one of my grasping-at-straws for answers to these constant game errors. Is it possible that sometimes Sims sent to clipboard oblivion aren't really gone? Forgive if I'm starting to sound paranoid. But wouldn't you know when my Sim children were in school, they made friends with the teen version of Michael Bachelor, who I thought I had eliminated via the clipboard since I already have the adult version of MB in my game. One of those families was the Bachelor household because I already have the Bachelors in my game. Which brings up another point - when I moved my Sim family from Riverview back to a fresh Sunset Valley, I banished a number of families to the clipboard so they could not create conflicts. I currently have SP OFF, so maybe my problems with Error Code 12 and crashing have to do with there being too many Sims in town? I know that with Story Progression ON, if one of my Sims has a child, someone in town dies to keep the population in check. And before things start going kerplunk (a technical term) with the computer?

Banished cheats add population